Green Foliate - Green Man Garden Sculpture Wall Art - Greenmen by David Lawre...-OsirisTradingUK

Green Foliate - Green Man Garden Sculpture Wall Art - Greenmen by David Lawre...

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Introducing the stunning Green Foliate Wall Plaque from the Greenman range by Fiesta Studios, created by renowned artist David Lawrence. This exquisite garden sculpture features intricate foliate details in a vibrant shade of green, bringing a touch of nature to any outdoor space. With dimensions of 12.5cm x 12.5cm x 2.5cm and a weight of 0.2kg, this piece comes ready to hang with a metal hook on the back. Ideal for the green fingered garden enthusiast in your life, this Green Man Garden Sculpture is the perfect gift for any occasion. Add a touch of whimsical charm to your garden with this enchanting piece of art.